WHAT'S NEW?!?! |
5/27/07 - FINALLY!!! The acting reel is up!!! Not bad work for a quick $60 community college class... It could be better, but then, it could be finished in the year 2087 so... deal. The Flash Bio is in the works, but don't hold your breath! Then I put up a new QnA question and a private page for my friends from the Star Wars Convention. Whoa, it was beyond bliss. |
5/6/07 - 10 NEW MODELING GALLERIES! Some seriously OLD ones and outtakes included too! |
3/25/07 - OK, OK. I'm back after being absorbed in some unofficial "charity work" for some troubled youth (this is where my friends laugh knowingly and the rest of you think I meant I was tutoring math to inner city kids or something). So here's 15 NEW MODELING GALLERIES to get back to that (but I have SOOOO many more - who wants to intern? haha) and now if you'll excuse me while I return to the world of the living, I have a burrito rendezvous with a new friend... |
3/5/07 - Has it REALLY been a month since I last updated?? Well, I have been busy working on other sites and just started classes for Flash and stuff to really "turn this up to 11." But not yet. This week I added all the questions and answers that have been kicking around, added those peoples photo links, and put a few more links up on my links page. For the next update, I imagine I'll be back to adding more new modeling photos and galleries though I really should get my resume fleshed-out with photos and videos, save the bio page with Flash, or finish the freaking spider page already. Time is a harsh mistress. Oh, and if you want to have me post an answer your burning questions on my QnA, just send it to me with a pic, link, and credit name! |
2/5/07 - Darn it Darn it Darn it. Tonight I was so wrapped up geeking-out, making this update (with a loaf of garlic bread and the old Star Wars Trilogy to keep me company), I missed my favorite Monday night couch potato opportunity - Prison Break!! So here's 10 new modeling galleries, an outtake teaser off the Shop page, and I moved some other inconsequential stuff around and recredited a couple of pictures. Enjoy while I hunt down a Prison Break download! |
1/29/07 - Added Site Map, New Crap, and Contact pages, plus lower toolbar on all pages, and some semi-hidden page that I plan to use for more of my ridiculous e-trickery as soon as I figure out how to record with my new USB microphone. (hint hint) |
1/20/07 - Cleaned up all "snowy" edged .gifs on MAIN PAGE and SPIDER PAGE. Updated text on SPIDER PAGE and added tables for easier reading. Updated text on MODELING PAGE. Listened to an unbelievable amount of Bowie and made some strawberry Jello. Nighty Night. Hahahah... |
1/14/07 - 7 NEW MODELING GALLERIES including a couple of old ones that still make me laugh. Enjoy... |
1/8/07 - 18 NEW MODELING GALLERIES including some super new shoots and the old Newgrave Magazine article, a few more teasers, and new link to Lovely Creature Corsetry! Congrats to Johnny on sleuthing out my secret unlinked images (enjoy your *prize*), and to everyone else - ENJOY THE NEW STUFF NOW! Also, some of these galleries have MANY outtakes on my Yahoo Group Fansite if you're that obsessed... (click on the tiny heart-shaped box of chocolates at the upper right hand corner of this page to go straight to the fansite) : D |
1/1/07 - Happy New Year!!! 11 NEW thumbnail teasers on Modeling page! Galleries will follow, but they are uploaded onto my server as of.... right... NOW if you think you are hacker enough to see the raw files!!! The first person to email me one of the full size gallery pics 28-38 gets a *prize* Hahaha... |
12/23/06 - All NEW Modeling page with 27 galleries/shoots so far and over 150 more to add over the coming weeks. NEW $10 offer from shop to get exclusive sneak previews and outtakes emailed directly to you! NEW credits on Acting resume! NEW music added to Acting, Modeling, QnA, Shop, Spiders, and Links pages! NEW Links section "Other Websites I've Done" |